Travel by almost any land mode between the East Midlands and Manchester is now slower than it was by steam train in the 1960s. COLIN BOOCOCK proposes a straightforward way of correcting this anomaly and providing useful capacity relief at the same time

In two issues during 2016, Modern Railways explained in detail the grand plans of the Northern Powerhouse and Midlands Engine for rail improvements in their regions; the April 2017 issue covered the plans of a variety of bodies in the East Midlands for improving rail connections. Other topics fall out from these plans, in particular the connectivity between the ‘powerhouses’ (if we can use that term to describe both regions).

Interestingly, both powerhouses are divided between western and eastern areas that have different characteristics. Both have plans to combat this by improving internal connectivity. Both have considerable potential growth in industry, commerce and intellectual pursuits, including science and education. What has been missing so far is a study of the connectivity between these powerhouses. Indeed, with improved trunk roads and motorways and existing inter-city railways, connectivity is generally better than, say, 50 years ago, certa…

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