FUNDING FROM the Department for Transport will allow Network Rail to progress the Croydon Area Remodelling Scheme, part of its Brighton main line upgrade.
NR says the remodelling is the central element of the programme and would see a series of new gradeseparated junctions constructed to remove conflicts north of East Croydon station, replacing the current flat junctions. Major improvements at East Croydon station would also be delivered, increasing the station footprint from six to eight platforms and providing new concourse areas.
The DfT funding will allow NR to work up detailed designs for the track and station work and produce an outline business case for the scheme. NR will then carry out a full public consultation on the plans. The confirmation of funding follows on from the publication of the London and South Coast Rail Corridor Capacity Study last year, commissioned by then Chancellor George Osborne, which suggested NR’s developing proposals for enhancements in the Croydon area during Control Period 6 (2019-24) should be the highest priority for the route. The study dismissed the idea of pursuing the reopening of the Uckfield to Lewes line, part of what some campaigners have dubbed a second Brighton main line (BML2).