2020 – what a year. Its challenges need little further exposition here. But what of the impact on railway operators?
On many parts of the network performance improved significantly over the course of the year. This can be attributed to a number of factors, chiefly the significant reduction in passenger numbers and reduction in timetables which eased congestion on parts of the network.
But set against these advantages were the huge challenges facing operators in merely keeping services running. The Covid pandemic, as we know well, has thrown crew training plans out of kilter, and operators have been managing with constantly changing crew availability due to self-isolation and, for the clinically vulnerable, shielding.
Nor should the changing timetables be taken for granted. The effort across the industry to implement timetable changes at quick notice and, most significantly, matching these to demand and crew availability while maintaining services for key workers, cannot be underestimated.
A challenging year then for railway operators across the country. It is therefore only right that their efforts are recognised by the awarding of Golden Whistles. The awards are organised by the Institution of …