Recommendations have been made by RAIB about the railway’s extreme weather processes and safe operations in such conditions as part of the report into the Carmont derailment.
The investigation found ‘Network Rail’s management processes had not addressed weaknesses in the way it mitigated the consequences of extreme rainfall events’.
‘Network Rail’s management assurance processes did not highlight the extent of any areas of weakness in the implementation of extreme weather processes in route controls, or that the controllers lacked the necessary skills and resources to effectively manage complex weather-related situations of the type experienced on 12 August 2020. Consequently, significant areas of weakness in the railway’s risk mitigation measures were not fully addressed,’ the report notes.
Despite four other weather-related events in the area including a landslip near Ironies Bridge south of Carmont signal box, the train involved in the accident was allowed to proceed at or near linespeed on its return north to Stonehaven, having be…