RAIL FORUM Midlands (RFM) is responsible for delivering two important Midlands-based pilot projects for the industry as part of the Rail Sector Deal which was instigated by Theresa May’s 2017 government as part of her national industrial strategy. RFM’s projects concern small and medium enterprise (SME) growth through collaboration to meet larger orders and developing skills through education to meet the rail sector skills deficiency.
Characteristically, the UK rail supply chain is fragmented because it is formed of many very small businesses which struggle to meet the needs of larger client orders independently. Consequently, RFM through the sector deal is encouraging SMEs to collaborate and compete against larger overseas suppliers. Two specific SME collaboration opportunities that RFM will be co-ordinating in 2020 concern SME growth and education.
Porterbrook’s Innovation Hub 2020 is a platform provided for 30 SMEs to explore collaboration, digitalisation and sustainability before showcasing their products at RailLive 2020. RFM will also be arranging a day, following the event, when key buyers will be invited to view these developments.
In addition, RFM will be working with Hitachi on a 2020 SME ch…