Rail in the Wales and the West conference
METROWEST AIMS to deliver two reopened lines in the West of England as well as up to seven new stations.
James White, Principal Transport Officer at the West of England Combined Authority, explained the region is presently car-dominated, with only 1 in 11 commuting journeys on public transport pre-Covid. Rail improvements thus feature strongly in the area’s Joint Local Transport Plan, which runs to 2036.
One of the reopening schemes is to Portishead, involving upgrading of the Portbury freight line and reinstatement of a disused section between Pill and Portishead. Challenges over cost led to a descoping exercise, but the programme is now fully funded and the benefit-cost ratio and passenger estimates have held up fairly well despite the reductions in scope. The scheme is currently awaiting a Development Consent Order, and if this is achieved the aim is to start construction in 2023 and open the line towards the end of 2024.
An easier scheme to deliver is enhancement on the Severn Beach line, with a half-hourly cross-Bristol service on to Bath and Westbury. The decision to extend to Westbury means minor work is required to four level crossings, while a key enab…