Network Rail is to waive track access charges for new freight flows for six months in a bid to encourage growth in the sector.
While the offer is open to new passenger traffic, NR says it was driven by its commitment to support freight. It is estimated to be worth around £1,000 per round trip, depending on the length and loadings of the trains. It says it acknowledges that haulage is ‘very price sensitive’ and adds that in addition to rail freight’s environmental benefits, it is a key economic driver.
Rail Minister Lord Hendy said: ‘The rail freight sector plays a crucial role in keeping the country moving, providing a faster, greener and more efficient way of transporting goods. The Government’s policy is to promote and grow the use of freight services across the country and make moving goods by rail the obvious choice for businesses, and this initiative will do just that.’
Rail Freight Group Director General Maggie Simpson welcomed the move, saying: ‘"Many businesses are looking to move more freight by rail, but it can be a big step to start new services. This new scheme provides welcome support for the first six months of operation, helping customers and operators to open up new routes.’