NETWORK RAIL has launched a tender process to appoint a Train Control Partner (TCP) for the East Coast main line. The single supplier Framework Agreement to deliver digital train control systems comprises two call-off contracts: a professional services agreement for outline designs, and a design, build and maintain contract also covering long-term maintenance, envisaged to run for 30 years. The procurement has an estimated value of £1.8 billion, with the TCP appointed under an initial four-year term which may be extended to up to eight years in annual increments.
NR envisages the first call-off contracts to be awarded under the Framework Agreement will be an outline design contract covering King’s Cross to Peterborough North, and a design, build and maintain contract of a system for the Finsbury Park to Moorgate branch.
Separately, NR published a tender notice on 15 June for delivery of a Traffic Management (TM) system from King’s Cross to Doncaster South. This deal has an estimated value of £45 million and is expected to cover a 10-year period. The TM system would be required to interface with a Connected Driver Advisory System (C-DAS).
A third procurement package will cover the award of a Railway System Integration Partner (RSIP) contract to provide programme support to NR through an independent assurance role; because it will be acting independently, the RSIP partner will not also be awarded the TCP and/or Traffic Management roles.