A quarterly update on the latest progress of the HS2, or read the latest HS2 news as it is reported.
HS2 Quarterly Supplement
HS2 quarterly supplement available in digital format only, register your print subscription or subscribe to ModernRailways.com to read today. Read the mobile optimised articles below or click on the page-turner issues to read in e-magazine mode.
HS2 - Time for a Project SPEED approach to building Euston
When the Government announced it would pause work on High Speed 2’s Phase 2a and Euston station, the consensus was that it was a bizarre (to use one of the more polite terms) decision.
HS2 - Burton Green tunnel takes shape
THE 200-METRE-LONG portal for the Burton Green porous tunnel near Kenilworth has been finished, with 500 metres of the structure to be completed.
HS2 - A far from boring milestone
With the two bores of Long Itchington Wood Tunnel now driven, Modern Railways presents a photographic feature showing some of the construction highlights
HS2 – what is it for, and what should we do next?
PROFESSOR ANDREW MCNAUGHTON, who was a key figure in developing HS2’s ‘Y’ network, reminds PHILIP SHERRATT about the project’s history and the basis for the original plans.