That the railway industry and what makes it tick can be confusing to outsiders is hardly a revelation, but some have more need to know than others. Local authorities around the country have specific transport duties and responsibilities, or hold powers in respect of planning or the provision of those services. It is clearly in the interests of the industry that such bodies should have a clear understanding of what is involved.

ATCO, the Association of Transport Coordinating Officers, has produced a 48-page Rail Guide which sets out to do just that. The main references are to England, but similar arrangements apply in Scotland and Wales.

A lengthy section discusses the structure of the railway industry and who does what. Besides policy matters, Network Rail and TOC (train operating company) matters, this is sufficiently wide-ranging to include sections on community railways, freight and the regulatory bodies. Timetabling is discussed, with the warning that the time taken from the concept to its introduction is likely to be around two years.

The local authority role is explained at length; where they can help, and where they might hinder. Thus: ‘local authorities have a key role in integrating transport…

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