Between the Lines

Between the Lines - September 2021

Chris Stokes discusses the merits of devolution for the railway

Between the Lines - August 2021

Chris Stokes assesses the proposed East Coast main line May 2022 timetable

Chris Stokes on the Williams-Shapps Plan

Is the White Paper good news for rail?

Between the Lines

For the markets in which it can compete, rail freight has massive...

Between the Lines November 2020

The Government has around six months before the first...

Between the Lines - October 2020

I went through Farringdon station towards the end of summer...

Between the Lines: September 2020

Until March, at around 07.30 on any weekday morning, London-bound platforms...

Between the Lines: August 2020

When the current crisis is eventually over...

Between the Lines: June 2020

After any major change in the world, for example 9/11 or the 2008 financial crisis...

Between the Lines

I’m most grateful to Chris Rowley, Network Rail’s Capacity Planning Director...