Decarbonisation remains a topic of considerable importance to the railway. Network Rail’s Traction Decarbonisation Network Strategy (TDNS), published in 2020, set out high level ambitions for a major electrification programme, but since then NR has continued its work and is now beginning to break this down at a regional level.
Wales and Western Region has produced its own Regional Traction Decarbonisation Strategy, dated February 2022 and obtained by Modern Railways. The strategy identifies six ‘tranches’ of decarbonisation schemes, starting with the deferred elements of the Great Western Electrification Programme (GWEP) and in broad terms moving westwards, with main lines and routes with heavy freight use prioritised. This sequence was identified based on the decarbonisation benefits (removal of diesel miles, passenger impact, dependency on decarbonising other routes and diversionary route capability) and deployment efficiencies (rolling stock, signalling and availability of power supply).
Tranche 0 covers the so-called ‘Hendy tail’ – the schemes removed from GWEP following the review of the Control Period 5 enhancements programme by Network Rail Chair Sir Peter Hendy.
The strategy notes t…