LEGAL CHALLENGES relating to the award of a contract to Siemens to build new trains for London Underground’s Piccadilly Line have now been resolved.
In June 2018 Transport for London announced its intention to award Siemens the deal to build 94 trains for the Piccadilly Line, with the potential for follow-on orders. The award was part of the Deep Tube Upgrade Programme, intended to provide up to 250 new trains for four lines, although a lack of funding certainty for TfL has cast doubt upon whether the follow-on orders will be placed as planned.
Both losing bidders, Alstom and a joint venture of Bombardier and Hitachi, subsequently confirmed they would challenge the award of the contract. The contract with Siemens was eventually signed in November 2018 but the legal challenges remained until that with Alstom was resolved in October 2019 and that with Bombardier and Hitachi the following month.
A TfL spokesperson said: ‘High court proceedings arising from London Underground’s decision to award the rolling stock contract for the Deep Tube Upgrade Programme to Siemens Mobility Ltd have now been resolved by agreement in relation to both claims. The terms of the agreements are confidential.’