ELECTRIFICATION U-TURN - Taken to task on central direction

When challenged on something I’ve written, my initial reaction is to stand my ground and argue it out. But when four very senior managers from both sides of the contract take me to task simultaneously, it’s time to shut up and reconsider.

What brought down this storm of opprobrium was my concern, in the September column, that Network Rail’s Regions were rushing off in all directions with their electrification aspirations. I was worried that when, and if, a rolling programme is funded, unco-ordinated regional projects going out to tender could cause the market to overheat.

I suggested that the future Great British Railways (GBR) should emulate Indian Railways, featured in the same column, and have a central Electrification Directorate. This would co-ordinate the prioritisation and sequencing of schemes within a rolling programme. So far, so uncontroversial.

But then I added that the new Directorate could also set technical standards and delivery methods, liaise with standards and safety bodies and co-ordinate power supply upgrades with the National Grid and the Distribution Network Operators (DNOs). Ooof!


A Regional Managing Director gently pointed out that electrification is already centrally contr…

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