
We welcome letters for ‘Forum’. Please send them, ideally by e-mail, to: Modern Railways, Transport Writing Services, PO Box 206, Tunbridge Wells North TN1 2XA Please supply your postal address, even if writing by e-mail. Please note that we may edit letters for publication. Views expressed in this letters feature are not necessarily those of the editors or publishers.


Theo Steel’s article on carbon emissions (p54, August issue) was in principle a welcome commentary on this tricky topic affecting the rail industry. Unfortunately, it was marred by falling into the ‘classic’ mistake of conflating air quality emissions (NOx, particulate, hydrocarbons, CO) with carbon (used in this context as a synonym for CO2) emissions. The former are broadly a local (to the point of emission) challenge affecting human health. The latter are a global challenge impacting climate change. The error was further compounded by a nice headline picture of a Class 56 with clearly a very poorly engine polluting the local air quality of Derby.

Whilst this and the wider problem of air quality emissions in enclosed public spaces like stations is clearly a problem that needs addressin…

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