Getting projects right

Network Rail’s devolution policy offers the opportunity to turn the page on a history of over-budget and over-time projects, argues PETER HEUBECK

Over the last 25 years, the privatised railway has struggled to manage the costs of vital infrastructure investment projects. In spite of historically high levels of investment, project lead-times have extended, passengers and freight operators have endured major disruption, while proposals for many locally important smaller projects have gathered dust on the shelf. Successful innovation and excellence in some areas cannot hide an overall picture of escalating costs and under-achievement.

Andrew Haines, Network Rail’s reformist Chief Executive, is determined to address deep-seated problems and create a platform for faster and more efficient investment. At a time when the current pandemic is causing human tragedy and economic mayhem, there are nevertheless reasons for optimism. There is a lively clamour for rail investment from recently created regional bodies in England, while Scotland continues to power ahead with an enlightened investment strategy. The Department for Transport postbox is overflowing with reopening proposals and now Network Rail and the Df…

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