Crossrail Update

Good news for future Elizabeth Line passengers: it looks like you won’t have to stump up towards the construction costs of the Heathrow Airport spur. The branch from the Great Western main line at Stockley Junction into the airport allowed the introduction of Heathrow Express services in 1998.

From next year Elizabeth Line services (initially with TfL Rail branding) will run into the airport, taking over the existing stopping Heathrow Connect service. Frequencies will be increased and later, with the opening of Crossrail tunnels, the Elizabeth Line will deliver high frequency through connections to the airport from across London.

As part of negotiations over track access fees, including how much Elizabeth Line train operator MTR Crossrail should pay Heathrow to be able to run services along the spur – owned by the airport company – Heathrow argued that Crossrail users should make a contribution towards the cost of building the spur. While MTR Crossrail would effectively recoup the cost of any increased track access fees from TfL, fare-payers would ultimately be most likely to end up paying the bill.

In May 2016 the Office of Rail and Road ruled that Heathrow Airport Ltd could charge MT…

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