Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s ‘lockdown’ announcement on 23 March saw High Speed 2 contractors scramble to comply with new Government guidelines designed to slow the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
The immediate result was a pausing of most HS2 activities while the teams at different locations reviewed what steps needed to be taken to comply with the Standard Site Operating Procedures Social Distancing policy. This meant that by 26 March most HS2 works were on hold apart from activity needed to maintain site security and meet health and safety requirements.
For Phase One the only works continuing, subject to review, were on the section between Long Itchington Wood Green Tunnel to Delta Junction and the Birmingham Spur. Work also continued on the Delta Junction to West Coast main line tie-in contract. All Phase 2a works were paused.
This initial review period focused on the questions that are affecting us all. Does all work have to stop? Can some work be completed at home? Are we allowed to go to a place of work if appropriate measures, such as social distancing, are in place?
While many building firms have been furloughing staff, the emerging picture with HS2 is that some work can continue. Contractors …