Derby houses the headquarters of East Midlands Trains


Situated at the heart of the Midland main line and the CrossCountry network, the chances are that you have, at one time or another, passed through Derby by train. Twelve million people do so each year, making the city one of the busiest outside London.

If so, you might have noticed that the station has recently undergone a significant £50 million refurbishment, and is set to see a further £200 million invested as part of a significant remodelling next year.

If you are travelling south, you cannot have failed to see the interesting blend of multi-coloured glass, landscaped entrances and historic brick buildings that make up Derby College’s Pride Park campus, a complex that hints at the long-standing history of rail in the city. This award-winning development has made use of the oldest-surviving railway roundhouse in the world, and converted it into an educational, hospitality and business facility.

Built in 1839, the Derby Roundhouse is a vibrant symbol of how interwoven rail has been in the DNA of Derby and Derbeians for over 175 years. It was built adjacent to Derby station at the exact point that the UK rail netwo…

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