The rail industry is gearing up for its annual Rail Safety Week, which runs from 26 June to 2 July. With less than three weeks to go, Network Rail Chief Executive Andrew Haines and Rail Forum counterpart Elaine Clark have recorded a podcast to encourage participation in the event.
‘There is nothing more important to us than safety – there is still so much more learning to do, and that’s what Rail Safety Week is about for me. Together we get a bit safer, a bit wiser, and re-engage with some of the issues,’ Mr Haines said.
He also discussed how technological developments can dramatically improve track worker safety by making them more aware of their surroundings and ultimately using machinery to undertake tasks currently done by staff working around the ‘four foot’.
He also praised the supply chain, highlighting that the event is a ‘brilliant opportunity’ to showcase some of the latest developments and thinking which can improve safety. ‘There’s no better use of your time that week because you get to talk to people, you get to see things which are inspiring – you get to have challenging conversations – and you get to be part of that common cause of driving safety improvements on Britain’s railways. There is nothing more important,’ he concluded.
A launch conference takes place on 26 June, with registrations closing on 15 June. Rail Forum is also asking companies to share what they are planning with the Rail Safety Week team at
The podcast is below.