A new measure for fleet reliability

The way fleet reliability is measured is changing. It is planned that the wellestablished Miles per Technical Incident (MTIN) fleet performance metric will be replaced with a new metric in 2022 – Miles per 701D (Mp701D). This new measure better reflects the impact of fleet failures on the fare-paying passenger. ‘701D’ reflects the TRUST (Train Reporting Systemvia TOPS) categorisation for incidents attributed to a technical defect affecting rolling stock fleets. Mark Molyneux, National Fleet Performance Manager at the Rail Delivery Group (RDG), informed the Golden Spanners conference about the reasoning behind the proposed change.

Mr Molyneux explained that when MTIN replaced the previous Miles per Casualty (MpC) metric in January 2011, it reduced the qualifying criteria for the associated length of delay from five minutes to three minutes, thereby making the measure more onerous. MTIN also includes incidents where no technical fault can be found, together with incidents caused by maintenance induced errors.

As was previously the case with MpC, the definition of MTIN is specified in the cross-industry managed ‘Twenty Point Plan’ (20pp) – Fleet Management Good Practice Guide. RDG also oversees an…

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