Read the Modern Railways Review 2021 for Free


Welcome to the first ever Modern Railways Review. For 15 years we have published our annual directory The Modern Railway, described by many as the industry bible. It provides a detailed overview of the state of play, analysis of the latest developments, and of course the valuable and detailed industry directory listings.

We are pleased to present an edited version of the directory for the first time in bookazine form. This publication incorporates much of the material from The Modern Railway, broken down according to the same broad categories. It is not intended to replace the directory, which remains the ultimate guide to the industry, including the full company listings.

Writing the introduction to the directory, I reflected on developments with High Speed Two and the Williams Review. Both have advanced – construction work on Phase One of the high-speed line is proceeding apace, with tunnelling underway through the Chilterns. And at last we have, in amended Williams-Shapps form, the outcome of the long-awaited rail review, commissioned as long ago as 2018. The White Paper has not brought many surprises – changes such as an overhaul of the franchise system and a move to concessions (Passenger Service Contracts) had been wid…

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