Introducing a new monthly column on HS2 by PETE BRUNSKILL MRTPI

High Speed 2

On 23 March 2016, the House of Commons passed the Phase 1 HS2 Hybrid Bill at its third reading, with 399 MPs voting in favour to only 42 against. The Bill subsequently went through report and third readings in the House of Lords during 2016 and was finally granted Royal Assent on 23 February 2017, following over three years of Parliamentary scrutiny. It duly passed into law as the High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Act 2017.

Sir David Higgins, Chairman of HS2, commented: ‘Achieving Royal Assent for Phase One of HS2 between Birmingham and London, with such significant Parliamentary support, is a monumental step in transforming rail travel in Britain. We have a long journey ahead of us to build the railway and secure permission for Phase Two to make sure that the full benefits of HS2 are realised. This journey will see businesses right along the route benefit from greater access to the skills, markets and professional services they need to succeed in today’s global market. It will directly create some 25,000 jobs as well as forcing the pace of innovation in the construction industry. Throughout this process HS2 remains co…

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