Crossrail Update

Following the announcement on the last day of August that the planned December 2018 opening of the Elizabeth Line is not to be (p10, last month), the mist has yet to clear and reveal the new schedule for commissioning Crossrail.

Transport for London’s latest panel meeting Crossrail update has little to say on the matter: ‘TfL and Government continue to work through the financial and other implications of the delay in Crossrail Central Operating Section opening’. This serves to underline that the surprise is not so much that a complex infrastructure programme like Crossrail is running a bit late but a couple of months before what was to be the grand opening there is no evidence anyone in power has a grasp of what is still to be done and how long it will take.

The programme and investment panel report adds: ‘Pending completion of this work Crossrail Ltd requires interim funding’. This is said to refer to the £300 million extra allocated earlier this year (p95, September issue), but note the word ‘interim’. Just how much more will be required to finish the job?

While there are those who will say they knew all along that Crossrail would run late – these days having a hunch that a rail infr…

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