Office of Rail and Road

Performance stable – climate change a risk, says ORR

Cancellations remain high, and railway struggled with severe weather

Growing passenger numbers: CrossCountry No 221131 passes University with the 10.03 Edinburgh-Penzance on 2 February 2023. Philip Sherratt News Premium

Passenger journeys rise by 16% in 2023/24…

…but revenue only at 82% of pre-pandemic levels

Performance improvements needed by NR: GWR Nos 387146/150 await departure from Paddington with the 09.51 to Cardiff on 26 May 2022. Philip Sherratt News Premium

NR Wales & Western in breach of licence, says ORR

Poor performance on Western Route leads ORR to threaten £3m penalty

To Rochdale next? Lumo is bidding for paths to serve it from Euston. Courtesy Lumo News Premium

Lumo targets Rochdale in latest bid

Six return trains a day, new trains promised

A view os Stirling station. Courtesy ORR News Premium

Grand Union Stirling trains approved

ORR approves open access bid for Stirling-Euston trains

News Premium

LNER to axe Glasgow service?

Stirling to also see cuts?

Passenger numbers continue to rise

National figure 89% of pre-pandemic levels

‘Be up front about fees’ – ORR warns ticket firms

Third-party booking and finder’s fees probed by regulator

News Premium

Rail revenue rises – but funding gap remains

Government support falls to £11.9 billion in 2022-23

ORR investigates NR over Wales & Western performance

Poor punctuality and reliability probed as route suffers series of broken rails