Transport for London

A Crossrail Class 345 EMU undergoes maintenance at Old Oak Common. Philip Sherratt News Premium

Reprieve for Litchurch lane as Aventra deal signed

Capital funding secured from Government

Lifeline for Alstom?

Ten more Class 345s could be ordered to keep production lines alive

Crossrail under construction. Courtesy Crossrail News Premium

Nine lessons learned in Crossrail sponsorship review

Sponsors need strengthening, but structure shielded against scope changes, says report

Funding gap for TfL: a Hammersmith & City Line train calls at West Ham on 9 Octoer 2023. Philip Sherratt News Premium

Khan freezes TfL fares

Fares frozen until 2025

London Underground's roundel. Courtesy TfL News Premium

Tube strikes set to disrupt London

RMT calls for talks at ACAS to resolve pay dispute

Government commits £250m to TfL in 2024

Commissioner Andy Lord warns of shortfall in funding

Incoming TfL COO Claire Mann. News Premium

Claire Mann to be TfL COO

Mann rejoins TfL after three years as SWR MD

A London Underground S-Stock train at Hammersmith. TfL News Premium

Underground ridership hits 4 million daily journeys

Pandemic recovery continues

Piccadilly Line 2024 stock on test

New Siemens-built trains to enter service in 2025

News Premium

Travelcards saved after tripartite agreement

Day travelcards retained after deal reached with RDG and DfT