WORK CONTINUES at Carlisle station as Network Rail and its contractors renew the roof and platforms as part of a £14.7 million scheme.

The work began in November 2015, and the first phase has seen Galliford Try engaged to renew the overall roof, which had become dangerous with glazed panels falling to the platform in January 2015, happily without injury. Temporary netting was subsequently installed to protect staff, passengers and trains.

A huge amount of scaffolding was erected to create a ‘crash deck’ above platforms 3 to 8, ensuring the safety of trains and those on the platform while providing a secure environment for workers above. Further scaffolding work has taken place on and above the roof to gain safe access to the exterior of the structure so new steelwork purlins may be installed and new glazing panels fitted. These are of ETFE, the material used in the recent roof works at Manchester Victoria and Birmingham New Street, and should significantly improve brightness at platform level.

At present, work is also taking place to install scaffolding to the south gables so that work might take place there; this has already been done at the north end of the station and the glazing panels there are in the process of being replaced. Roof works are planned to continue until May, with much of the remainder of 2017 being taken up with the removal of the crash deck and scaffolding.

Following completion of roof works, Story Rail will undertake the second phase of the scheme, comprising a £5.2 million upgrade of the platforms, including a degree of reconstruction and new surfaces.

Network Rail has worked with Historic England and Carlisle City Council to ensure the work being carried out protects the station’s Grade Two listed building status.