
22 March 2017, the day of the terrible car and knife attack at the Palace of Westminster, will live in history in infamy. But while others were dealing with the horror not far away, a bunch of railway folk, of whom I was privileged to be one, were partaking of a convivial dinner in Euston. In the light of the South Eastern franchise consultation that floated the idea of abolishing first class (p15, last month), talk at the table turned to the two-class offering: is first class a sensible use of precious space on a train?

There is a considerable difference between commuter and inter-city services. On many modern commuter trains the first class section often comprises seats that are exactly the same as in standard, perhaps with an antimacassar thrown in. What people are paying for here is a greater likelihood of getting a seat, plus perhaps some more elbow room – but first class is seldom effectively policed and is not used for much of the day. It is possible to see why the Department for Transport is suggesting that a more egalitarian approach might be sensible.

Inter-city trains are a different kettle of fish. On these there is often a whole raft of extras in first class, such as complimentary…

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