GBRf’s first Southampton service

Biomass hopper: a vehicle of the type to be leased by GBRf for the company’s Lynemouth contract. Courtesy GBRf

GB RAILFREIGHT has operated its first service from ABP Port of Southampton. Running from Solent Stevedores Terminal to ABP Hams Hall Rail Freight Terminal on behalf of client Wincanton, the new service delivers cargo for major high street retailers.

The operator says the service marks a significant expansion in its activities as it will be the second deep-sea port (after Felixstowe) from which the company operates rail services. The first train ran on 1 November and hauled 34 platforms fully laden with containers. The service will operate daily from Tuesday to Saturday under a five-year contract.

The port has undergone upgrades which will support the new contract, including a £2.4 million investment in a new 5.8-acre facility operated by Solent Stevedores, which GBRf says has seen turnaround times halved and has vastly improved capacity.