Glasgow Subway’s new train milestone

SPT’s Project Director MARK TONER updates PHILIP SHERRATT on progress with modernisation of Glasgow’s underground

11 December 2023 was an historic day for the Glasgow Subway, as its new Stadler trains carried passengers for the first time.While this is the most visible milestone in the modernisation of the Subway, led by Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT), there is more still to come, including introduction of anew signalling system, platform screen doors at stations and plans for unattended train operation (UTO).

The modernisation programme is primarily the result of a contract awarded in 2016 to a joint venture of Stadler and Hitachi (formerly Ansaldo). Stadler is supplying 17 new trains, designed to fit the Subway’s unique 4ft gauge and restricted tunnel diameter of 3.4 metres, while Hitachi is providing anew signalling and control system and anew control centre. Other aspects of the modernisation, such as infrastructure renewals and station upgrades, are separate from this contract and have already been completed.

Many would observe that getting to this point has taken along while.‘It’s huge in scope’SPT’s Project Director Mark Toner says of the modernisation. ‘Our approach has been to …

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