Informed Sources: Six-monthly progress report

New Train TIN-watch takes a longer-term view of reliability improvement

I'm beginning to wonder whether adding Technical Incidents per 100,000 miles to the table was such a good idea after all. Even when a fleet has to score under five to be borderline respectable, there are some depressingly large numbers as you go down the table. On the other hand, it provides a more direct overview than comparing Miles per Technical Incident.

But begone dull care. For this month I thought I would see if I could find some good news.


A fair criticism of TIN-watch is that, while it provides a monthly snapshot of fleet reliability, to find out whether performance is improving you need to get out the back numbers. September’s search for bathtub curves showed the best fleets were indeed getting better but covered only selected cases from the five manufacturers.

This month’s analysis adopts a much simpler approach: has reliability improved over the last six reporting periods? And it covers every new fleet. Well, every fleet except the full length Class 345s, which have been all over the place for various reasons.


But before starting I must rectify a disservice to my chums at Siemens. Hitachi and ScotRail …

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