Minor sources of delay add up and can make all the difference to punctuality, LNER MD DAVID HORNE and NIGEL G. HARRIS of The Railway Consultancy told the Institution of Railway Operators

Performance on the East Coast main line has been far from perfect in recent years. From a high point of a Public Performance Measure (PPM) nudging 90% in late 2015, inter-city performance declined. The dual impact of the ‘Beast from the East’ in March 2018, followed by the difficult May 2018 timetable change, drove PPM to a nadir of the low 70s in the latter part of 2018. Things have improved somewhat since then, but there is still some way to go.

A number of factors have been identified: trespass and fatalities are more of a problem (up 86% since 2014-15), there have been well-documented issues with the overhead line (failures peaked in 2017) and the changing fleet means East Coast inter-city operator LNER has had to deal with both ageing trains and bedding-in problems on the new Azumas. LNER has seen very few reliability issues with the new Azumas: the majority of issues have been associated with staff getting familiar with them. A positive sign is that since the summer of 2019 Azuma delays per 1,000 miles are over…

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