NR seeks Waterloo revamp

Through Waterloo: an artist's impression of the proposed southern concourse. Network Rail

A new southern concourse and better access to the station frontage are planned for London Waterloo station in a new masterplan unveiled by Network Rail. If approved, it is claimed access to places such as St Thomas’ Hospital and Westminster would be transformed.

NR Chair Lord Hendy of Richmond Hill told Modern Railways there has never been a coherent plan for redevelopment of the area around the station, and the infrastructure manager is looking to improve other stations in its portfolio.

Developed in partnership with Lambeth Council and other stakeholders, the masterplan seeks to address longstanding issues in the area, as the station has historically formed a barrier to easy navigation between its eastern and western sides. ‘Waterloo makes the area impermeable, and it doesn’t help the area’s development’ Lord Hendy explained.

The key element of the plans is the creation of a new 8,000-square-metre southern concourse, providing a new thoroughfare for pedestrians and better access to the platforms. It wou…

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