Online seminars look to railway of the future

A major online event looking towards a vision of ‘High Performing Flexible Railway Systems for the Future’ has been launched by five institutional organisations and the Railway Industry Association.

The event features 21 pre-recorded presentations from industry experts and two live 90-minute seminar sessions, each including an interactive Q&A with speakers.

The first batch of content is available to watch on demand now, with the live Q&A to take place on 13 October. This will focus on Systems Capacity and Operations, and the keynote speakers are HS1 CEO Dyan Crowther and Professor Felix Schmid, Immediate Past Chair of the Railway Division of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, who will discuss how HS1 operates international and domestic passenger services while also accommodating freight. They will be supported by a range of speakers, including a Transport for London presentation on the high-frequency Victoria Line and one from past Institution of Railway Signal Engineers President Dr Daniel Woodland on train braking and the wheel-rail interface from a signalling perspective.

The second batch of content will be available to watch from 14 October, with a live webinar on 3 November, and will focus on Reliability & Tools. The keynote speaker will be Network Rail’s Oliver Bratton, who will discuss the deployment of new technology to achieve consistent delivery. Support presenters include NR’s Nick Millington, discussing worker safety within high performing future railways, and a discussion on decarbonisation with NR’s Dr Rossa O’Donovan and RIA’s David Clarke.

The events are organised by IRSE, the Institution of Engineering and Technology, IMechE, the Permanent Way Institution and Institution of Railway Operators in conjunction with RIA. Tickets are £80 plus VAT for members of partner institutions or £120 plus VAT for non-members, with booking and full programme details available at