High Speed 2

Plenty of procurement activity this month as HS2 Ltd attempts to put teams in place to build the first phase of High Speed 2.

Contracts to construct the HS2 stations at Euston and Old Oak Common are scheduled for award this autumn (packages for the two Birmingham stations are to follow in 2020), but before that designs need to be nailed down. To this end Arup and WSP have been named as the designers of the four Phase One stations.

HS2 Ltd says the firms will be awarded contracts to develop and refine the detailed plans for the four stations, due to open in 2026. At Euston Arup will work with Grimshaw Architects and for Old Oak Common WSP is teamed up with Wilkinson Eyre Architects. The designers swap partners for the Birmingham jobs, with WSP allied with Grimshaw for Curzon Street station while Arup will work with Wilkinson Eyre on the Birmingham Interchange project near Solihull.

The winning teams have worked on some of the largest and most complex international infrastructure projects, including the Gateshead Millennium Bridge, the Eden Project in Cornwall and Biljmer Arena station in the Netherlands. In the UK, extensive work for Crossrail and the King’s Cross western concourse are among their railway credits.

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