Rail reform – industry in limbo

Informed Sources

Cutting edge analysis of the issues which really matter

■ GBR legislation delay confirmed

■ DfT HLOS/SoFA submission deadline extended

■ ORR assuming status quo for CP7

■ RNEP – no change

Who said this? ‘How do we make rail travel more affordable? What can be done to get more out of our existing rail network? How do we improve and expand our rail network when money is tight? I believe that Government and the rail industry can and must do more for the passenger and the taxpayer. So we will.’

Obviously a trick question. It was coalition Transport Secretary Justine Greening in 2012. But it could have been any of the ministers who have passed through the whizzing revolving doors at the Department for Transport in the last couple of months.

One of these was Kevin Foster, whose 15 minutes of fame included a Transport Questions session in the House of Commons. His answers in the box highlight the air of uncertainty currently enveloping the railway industry. No wonder DfT is seeking to recruit a Head of Uncertainty (‘Blood and Custard’– p50).

This was the first official confirmation that the Transport Bill containing the legislation giving Great British Railways its powers (‘Informed Sourc…

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