Railway Mission brings £1.8m of value to industry

Strong social value: the Raiway Mission generated £1.8 million worth over the last year. Railway Mission

The work of charity Railway Mission contributed £1.8 million in social value over the last year, new research has found.

According to the output of RSSB’s updated rail social value tool (RSVT), every pound of Railway Mission’s income generates £3.13 in social value benefits. These benefits cover a range of impacts, which fall mainly under four metrics: stress management, peer support, coping skills, and resilience. The findings were due to be formally launched at an event hosted by Chris Loder MP in Parliament, after this issue went to press.

Mr Loder said: ‘I was delighted to host this event at which the RSSB revealed the impressive social value contribution made by the Railway Mission to Britain’s railway. During my many years in the rail industry, prior to becoming the MP for West Dorset, I saw first hand the real difference the Railway Mission makes to the wellbeing of both employees and their families across the network.’

Railway Mission is a Christian faith-based charity offering past…

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