Rail Forum East Midlands (RFEM) has seen a lot of change in recent years, with a new team and a new strategy now in place, as outlined by Paul Francis (page 3). So, what is RFEM doing to implement this strategy?

‘We’re already doing a lot’ says Elaine Clark, manager of RFEM. ‘We want to involve more of our members both to help and to ensure we are doing the things they value most. Right now, we are establishing a number of project groups to take a lead on various aspects of our work, from innovation and skills to supply chain growth and showcasing member capabilities. Each group will be championed by a member of the board.’


One area in which this is already in place and achieving results is in skills. Working closely with the Rail Supply Group and National Skills Academy for Rail (NSAR), RFEM is implementing specific actions locally for the benefit of members and the wider industry and in so doing is making inroads into delivering aspects of the national strategy.

A Rail Employment and Skills Academy has been established in conjunction with Derby College, together with a wide range of employers including Angel Trains, Atkins, Bombardier, Carillion, Collis Engineering, CoMech Metrology, Datum Com…

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