SOUTH YORKSHIRE Passenger Transport Executive says £230 million of investment is needed in Sheffield’s Supertram light rail network to enable it to operate beyond 2024. If it does not secure this funding, SYPTE suggests the network may have to be closed and decommissioned.
Options under consideration include maintaining Supertram through ongoing essential repairs, renewing and modernising Supertram’s tracks, vehicles and information systems, and exploring alternative options to Supertram. SYPTE says there is no funding currently in place for long-term renewal of the system, but Department for Transport funding would be needed to support the future investment required.
On 24 September SYPTE began a consultation on these future options. It says a 2014 study found that after more than 20 years of continuous operation parts of the existing tram network and vehicles are approaching the end of their working life. SYPTE is developing a business case and is considering its options as part of this work, including their forecast costs and benefits; it notes these options have been discussed with DfT. The public consultation runs until 5 November