Trans-Pennine upgrade scope grows

Network Rail has submitted options to the Department for Transport to increase the scope of works which are part of the Trans-Pennine Route Upgrade (TRU). The move comes as a 16-day blockade east of Manchester Victoria enabled progress with early elements of the work, including reconstruction of Dantzic Street and Queens Road bridges.

TRU is a major scheme to enhance the Manchester Victoria – Leeds – York route, increasing capacity and cutting journey times. The work is being delivered in stages by two alliances, one covering the route west from Leeds and the other to the east.

Minutes of a Network Rail board meeting on 12 May record the approval for submission to DfT of a proposal covering full electrification of the route, with the so-called Option F1 stated as being at outline business case maturity. Controversially, when the project was initiated only partial electrification was proposed, although…

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