Great British Railways Transition Team

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New Railways Bill in King’s Speech

Great British Railways to be set up in shadow form

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Government ‘not on track’ to deliver rail reforms

DfT fails to deliver ‘complex reforms’, says NAO

Draft Rail Reform Bill published

Government promises greater accountability and efficiency

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The importance of the whole life value of rolling stock

Longer-term decisions will drive better value

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VIDEO: Devolution potential for Manchester

Trailblazer deal includes Pay As You Go ticketing trial

Last call for Manchester conference

Discuss developments on the network in the North of England

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Leisure drives rail travel – GBRTT

Revenue more than commuting and business combined

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Harper hails ‘unstoppable momentum’ of rail reform

Industry reacts to announcement of Derby as GBR HQ location

Derby to host Great British Railways’ new HQ

Midlands city to host headquarters of new guiding mind

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VIDEOS: Fares reform – gradual change or big bang?

Sector experts debated fares reform at Modern Railways EXPO