Rail Accident Investigation Branch

A CCTV image of Clapham Common station after an uncontrolled passenger evacuation. Courtesy RAIB News Premium

Residue on resistor grid prompted LU evacuation

Fire fears caused passengers to self-evacuate Underground train

The scene of the OCtober 2021 collision near Salisbury. Courtesy RAIB News Premium

RAIB concludes Salisbury investigation

Low adhesion and insufficiently early braking caused crash, probe finds

News Premium

RAIB reopens investigation

New evidence made available

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EXTENDED CONTENT: Lumo train close to overturning at Peterborough

Likely wheels lifted off rails, says RAIB probe

News Premium

Enfield crash driver tested positive for drugs

Fatigue also a factor in buffer stop collision

News Premium

Track worker safety highlighted by RAIB

Report released into LU Chalfont & Latimer accident

News Premium

Driver distraction led to Kirkby collision

RAIB reports on Merseyrail incident

The fire-damaged Class 150s involved in the collision at Craven Arms on 22 May. News Premium

TfW cuts services after Craven Arms collision

Two of TfW Rail's 36 Class 150/2 DMUs will be out of action for months after they hit an abandoned mini digger on the track near Craven Arms on 22 May.

RAIB probes Lumo overspeed

A Lumo train exceeded the speed limit on points on the approach to Peterborough by 50mph on 17 April.

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Older train safety questioned after Carmont

The crashworthiness and safety of older trains running on the network was questioned during RAIB's investigation into the Carmont derailment.