Moving Wheels


THERE HAVE been further delays to the introduction of Class 230 and Class 769 units on Wales and Borders services. One consequence is that many services next year will require the use of rolling stock which does not comply with the PRM (Persons with Reduced Mobility) standards.

Until recently, TfW had expected cascaded stock from numerous sources to enable the withdrawal of its Pacer units by the PRM deadline at the end of this year. Accordingly, none of the Pacers were modified to ensure compliance. In September, TfW formally asked the Department for Transport for a temporary derogation. This would enable it to withdraw Pacers gradually during 2020 as replacement stock enters service.

If a derogation is granted, TfW would not favour the Class 143 units over Class 142. Decisions on which units to retain would be based on maintenance status.

TfW also wishes to operate noncompliant loco-hauled rakes next year and expects that 10 Class 150 units will not be PRM compliant by the end of 2019. The operator’s Class 150 PRM programme, which commenced last year, is expected to end in mid-2020.

Five Class 230 units from Vivarail are on order for services in North Wales…

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