Rail Forum hosts workshops at Modern Railways EXPO

The Rail Forum will be continuing its successful relationship with Modern Railways and will be supporting Modern Railways EXPO 2022 in November.

The Rail Forum supported Modern Railways RVE for a number of years – originally with Meet The Buyer events and more recently through more focused supplier-customer engagement activity. This year the Forum will be supporting the new Modern Railways EXPO event with a dedicated Rail Forum area from which it will offer a number of short sessions.

Firstly, there will be a short workshop on supply chain sustainability. This will be the second instalment on this topic following an online event in October – although both events will stand alone so you won’t need to attend the first to come along to the second. The workshop will be delivered by Rail Forum members Alliance Procurement Solutions and Wylde Connections – an organisation which specialises in sustainability. Topics that will be covered across the two workshops include:

  • understanding the bigger picture and how global megatrends are affecting businesses;
  • exploring the business case for sustainability: mitigating risks and seizing opportunities; 
  • how to navigate your way through increasing demands from customers;
  • how to manage the impacts of increasing legislation;
  • how to reduce the risks of market forces and supply chain disruptions; and
  • how good governance can give your business greater supply chain resilience.

The Rail Forum is also planning a couple of short sessions with a digital focus. A presentation featuring some of the latest AI-powered image processing software from Rail Forum member CrossTech will provide the opportunity to provide your input into future needs and developments and a brief look into cybersecurity issues in rail from Rail Forum member Complete Cyber.

Pre-registration is encouraged for all the workshops using the events pages on the Rail Forum website at www.railforum.uk/events.

Throughout the two days, Rail Forum team members will be on hand to catch up with members old and new.