VIDEO: Technology can transform operations

Bringing together people, process and technology is key to transforming railway operations, delegates were told at the Train Service Delivery session at the Future of Britain’s Railways conference at Modern Railways EXPO, which was sponsored by Resonate.

Resonate CEO Anna Ince said operations had previously been a ‘poor relation’ but there had been a quantum shift in recent years which had finally given operators an increasing voice. She said operators had typically developed plans for a happy day, but often the timetable didn’t survive its first contact with reality.

Ms Ince highlighted the benefits of Resonate’s Luminate Traffic Management System, which she said is proven to improve customer outcomes by performing in the same way as an operator’s best, most experienced member of staff while enabling decisions to be made at the touch of a button. At a time when it has never been more important for the railway to focus on its customers and there is an opportunity to grow freight, Luminate is in use on Network Rail’s Western and Anglia Routes and is helping underpin a high performing, cost-efficient railway.

Tom Desmond, NR’s Head of Operations Stra…

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