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News, Views and Analysis on Today's Railway

Published for 50 years, Modern Railways has earned its reputation in the industry as an established and highly respected railway journal. It is essential reading for professionals in the railway industry as well as individuals with a general interest in the state and developments of the British railway network.

Providing in-depth coverage for all aspects of the industry, from traction and rolling stock to signalling and infrastructure management, Modern Railways carries not only the latest news but also analysis of why those events are happening.

Modern Railways keeps its readers fully informed with detailed articles, informative features, and special issues throughout the year.

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Modern Railways February 2022

The full issue in page-turning format

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New Year, New Network

Following the resumption of regular services, what difference will the Dartmoor line make to the community in Okehampton?

IRP: time to shape the vision

How should the industry respond to the Integrated Rail Plan?

News Premium

Freight EMU operations poised for growth

RAIL OPERATIONS (UK) Ltd’s Orion subsidiary began rail freight services on 23 November, when the company’s first Wembley to Shieldmuir (Glasgow) run for Royal Mail was made.

News Premium

TfW diesel Flirts may start on Rhymney line

First new Stadler train arrives in Cardiff

Feature Premium

Gosforth gets ready for new Metro fleet

The first phase of the rebuild of the Tyne and Wear Metro depot has been completed

Process delays £4m fleet sanding pilot

■ Salisbury highlights lack of urgency
■ Dual Variable Rate Sander offers adhesion-agnostic braking
■ Four months spent haggling over Class 323 fitment contract
■ Earlier ScotRail bid rejected

Pan Up Premium

Reasons to be cheerful – part two

In the January 2009 issue I thought I would lighten the mood by listing the best things about the UK railway. Thirteen years on, it seems a good time to try that again

ECML upgrade: DfT jumps the shark

◾ IRP forecasts imply London to Edinburgh 3hr 35min timing
◾ Other timings equally improbable
◾ Benefits of 140mph overstated
◾ Final infrastructure upgrades completed by 2037

Signalling – competition review hits market reality

◾ ETCS focused
◾ Siemens the dominant player
◾ Limited new entrants available to challenge incumbents
◾ Hitachi sweeps up alternative potential ETCS suppliers

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Modern Railways Index