Pendolino 250 million miles and still going strong

The Virgin Pendolino has been at the heart of the transformation of the West Coast Main Line. Modern Railways Industry and Technology Editor ROGER FORD recalls key events in reporting on the pioneering fleet

Pendolino was born in the heady optimism of the years immediately following privatisation. Where most UK bidders saw commuter and regional franchises as an opportunity to repeat the costcutting formula applied to bus privatisation, when it came to inter-city two transport magnates had more expansive visions.

On the East Coast, Orient Express operator Sir James Sherwood of Sea Containers inherited a recently modernised electric railway and determined to restore former glories, an aim reflected in the name of the franchise – GNER.

In taking on Inter-city West Coast, Sir Richard Branson had the harder task, but the greater opportunity. The West Coast Main Line infrastructure was shot. While there had been an influx of new traction and rolling stock, the headline London to Glasgow journey time was slower than the five hours when the electric Scots were introduced in 1974.

Central to Virgin’s winning franchise bid was a new fleet of 140mph tilting trains, able to overcome the speed constraints imposed b…

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