Integrated Rail Plan

Chancellor confirms IRP commitments

EWR full route from Oxford to Cambridge also confirmed

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Government must revisit IRP decisions, says TSC

Report criticises assessment of options

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HS2 East will be extended, claims West Midlands Mayor

WEST MIDLANDS Mayor Andy Street says High Speed 2’s eastern leg will go ahead in full eventually

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Bradford will benefit from IRP, says Minister

Light rail boost is preferable to new line to Manchester, claims Stephenson

Navigating stormy waters

Does the Integrated Rail Plan provide more opportunities than first thought?

Levelling Up paper highlights importance of rail

The Levelling Up White Paper highlights the importance of rail in improving living standards.

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Government must outline upgrades and accelerate IRP – RIA

The Railway Industry Association is calling on Government to provide an update on the RNEP and accelerate Integrated Rail Plan schemes.

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Goodbye to the ‘Y’… for now?

The Integrated Rail Plan curtailed HS2’s eastern leg to Leeds at East Midlands Parkway. But as DAN HARVEY explains, it might not be the end of ambitions for the full high-speed network

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Northern leaders try to keep NPR schemes alive

Transport for the North is seeking an urgent meeting with the Government to discuss ways of delivering the full Northern Powerhouse Rail programme.

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Integrated Rail Plan axes full HS2 network

The Integrated Rail Plan is axing the full High Speed 2 scheme, but electrification of the Midland main line to Sheffield is promised. PHILIP SHERRATT