
Legacy Glasgow Subway fleet bows out

Met-Camm trains replaced by new Stadler units

Networkers to be upgraded or replaced? South Eastern Nos 465922/926 call at London Bridge with 23 February 2024's 0934 Charing Cross-Gravesend. Philip Sherratt News Premium

Five shortlisted for Networker replacement

Upgrades, cascades or new build considered

A Tyne and Wear Metro Class 555 on daylight mileage accumulation duties. Courtesy Nexus News Premium

Metro ‘555s’ start daylight testing

Service entry planned in 2024

Class 93 93001 on its first journey in the UK - by road. News Premium

Freightliner considering ‘93’ trial

Operator wants to explore capabilities of new locomotives

New Metro trains delayed

Further testing of Class 555s needed

Changing times: Class 508 at the buffer stops at Southport on 29 October 2023 during the ‘508 Sunset’ farewell tour organised by the Branch Line Society, which raised £12,000 for local charities. The ‘508s’ will be stood down by the end of the year, with their sister ‘507s’ to follow in 2024, replaced by Stadler Class 777s, for which the platform extension work visible in this shot is taking place. Tony Miles News Premium

Southport platform extensions for ‘777s’

Class 507s retained until work is completed

Battery-electric No 777142 departs from Headbolt Lane station on 5 October 2023. Tony Miles News Premium

Headbolt Lane station opens

Debut for Merseyrail's battery-powered Class 777s

Feature Premium

VIDEO: ‘777s’ revolutionising Merseyrail travel

Rollout of Stadler EMUs making good progress

First TfW Class 398 arrives at Taff’s Well

Trains to begin operation in 2024

First ‘555’ delivered for Tyne and Wear Metro

Training starts on new units